salam aime.... all 4 effect drug abuse
i hope u understand.....
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Posted by idir ibrahim at 10:02 PM 1 comments
effect of drug abuse..... 4
social problem :-
- vulnerable to commit crime to support their habbit
- hyper active
- destroy relationship with other (family or friends) and career
Posted by idir ibrahim at 10:02 PM 3 comments
effect of drug abuse..... 3
health problem :-
- gastrointestinal bleeding, ulcers
- more toxic compare (vitamin A or B)
- cancer of lung, larynx and mouth
- liver and kidney dysfunction, high blood pressure, heart disease
- damage of digestive system
Posted by idir ibrahim at 9:48 PM 2 comments
effect of drug abuse..... 2
neurological effect :-
- impaired memory and learning ability
- impaired motor function (nerve)
- poor concentration
Posted by idir ibrahim at 9:43 PM 3 comments
effect of drug abuse..... 1
- :- increased human body temperature (from normal to abnormal)
- :- can be danger to heart, liver and kidneys
- :- hormonal changes
Posted by idir ibrahim at 9:31 PM 1 comments
hello guys...can i know about factors of drug abuse and effect of drug abuse..???
who's can explain to me???
let we discuss guys....
Posted by farah aimi at 12:32 AM 2 comments
~tHis bO0k~
~hi guys....its me again....hehe...
well, here i want to share to u all about this book that i have read and do it as a reference...
for my part in our discussion,( definition drug and ways to overcome drug abuse), i had refer my part from this book.
This book has many information about drug. so, guys if u all have leisure time or want some information about drug. I want suggest to u all to borrow and refer this book..
Hope u all enjoy read it. (^______^)
Posted by farah aimi at 12:12 AM 2 comments
Saturday, September 13, 2008
~here is more picture about types of drug~
Hello i want to share some picture about types commonly of drug. Maybe we have seen anywhere but we don't know this drug is dangerous or not...
the Others picture types of drug....
The picture of drug like very interesting dangerous to us if we misuse it..
REMEMBER guyss.....
Posted by farah aimi at 11:54 PM 1 comments
~Hello is new information about our slide show presentation and draft
Hello is new information to you all espeacially to my friends who absent on wednesday.
For our 1st draft and slide show presentation....we must change a little content.
so guys, here, there are new content we must do it.
1.0. Introduction
1.1. Definition of drug and drug abuse
1.2. History of drug
2.0. Types Of Drug
3.0. Cause Of Drug Abuse
3.1. Theories Of Drug Abuse
3.2. Factor contributing to Drug Abuse
4.0. Sign and symptom Of Drug Abuse
5.0. Effect Of Drug Abuse
6.0. Ways to overcome Drug Abuse
7.0. Conclusion
Posted by farah aimi at 11:33 PM 0 comments
~ways tO overcOme drug abuse~
hEllo guys...i have some information about ways tO overcome drug abUse.
thEre are :
1. pReventive education
2.counselling session
3.roles of religion
4.drug treatments
Let we go far to my explanation about saveral ways to overcome drug abuse.
For the first way is by preventive education. A good preventive education program on drug abuse involves both of health promotion and social skill competency approach. To be effective in disseminating. In
For the second ways to prevent the drug abuse is by counseling the drug abuser
which is including individual and group techniques.Those group techniques and
individuals can use these cognitive therapy and reality therapy.
The third way to prevent drug abuse is by role religion of the drug abuser. As we know that in
and governmental rehabilitation programs. Muslim are encouraged to pray five times a day, and receive religious instructions from a qualified religious teacher. The number of times a week that a Muslim will religious instructions is often
contingent on the director of the facility, and can involve four days or only once a
We also have drug treatment programs such as inpatient programs, outpatient programs and self –help programs. Inpatient programs is designed for those chemically dependant individuals who are unable to end the dependcy while remaining in the community.
Outpatient programs is designed for people who no longer need inpatient care, as well as for those who have a good chance of terminating their habit without having to be hospitalized. For the self- help programs, it will recounting to the group past experiences with the addict problem and plans for handling the problem in the future.
Source :
Scrorzelli.J . 1987 . drug abuse : prevention and rehabilitations in
Posted by farah aimi at 11:16 PM 2 comments